Community Chapel Church
  Natchez, Mississippi

Online Giving Guide

We are pleased to offer online giving to our church congregation!  Online giving provides the ability to tithe or donate on our website, through a mobile app or even with a quick text message.  After creating an account, you’re able to give a donation or schedule donations directly from your debit card, credit card or checking account.

3 Easy Ways To Get Started:

1.)   On This Website
       Click the "Donate" button on our homepage or the "Tithes & Donations" menu option from any page.
       Create an account (required first time only).  Subsequent visits require email and password only.

       Note:  Our website is mobile friendly so feel free to use a computer, tablet or smartphone.

2.)  Mobile App (Apple/Android)

      Search the App Store for “EasyTithe”.
      Install the app on your device.
      Open the app and search by typing the church name and/or zip code.
      Create an account (required first time only).  Subsequent visits require email and password only.

3.)  Text Giving - Dedicated Number (601)-273-3235

      Text the amount you like to give (Ex: 50) to our dedicated number.
      First time donors will be prompted to visit a secure registration link.
      At this point your donation will process and you will receive a confirmation text.

      Tips:  If you text “Funds”, you will receive a list of funds to donate to.
      Donation can be directed to a particular fund by typing amount + fund name (Ex: 50 + Building).

      If desired, text “Reset” to remove card information.


  • Simple, Safe & Secure.
  • 24/7 online access to your contribution history.
  • Flexible payment via credit card, debit card or checking account.
  • Donations can be scheduled/recurrent, infrequent or one-time only.
  • You can choose which funds you would like to donate to (choose 1 or up to 3 funds in a single transaction).